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Date:2023-09-08 來源:香港商報網“2020年新冠疫情爆發,帶來全球危機的同時也促使 很多新的科學技術的發展。為方便疫情期間線上教 學,香港教育大學數學與資訊科技學系副教授宋燕捷 博士及研究團隊開發一款名為Learningverse的3D元 宇宙平台,提供具協作性的教育和培訓環境,用家只 需要一台普通電腦和網絡攝像頭,便可輕鬆接入恍如 身臨其境的線上環境,與其他用戶進行即時互動。此 外,平台的應用領域不限於教學,也可向地產、旅 遊、公共服務、文化藝術等領域的機構和企業,提供 高質服務。” 香港商報記者...

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Award-Bronze Medal

Award-Bronze Medal

Date:2023-12-31Learningverse is a 3D metaverse platform designed and developed by Dr Song Yanjie’s research team and funded by CRAC and KT projects.  Learningverse provides an immersive, interactive, and collaborative environment for educational and training purposes....

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What is Learningverse

What is Learningverse

Source: Hong Kong Commercial Daily "In 2020, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic brought about a global crisis while also spurring the development of many new scientific and technological advancements. To facilitate online teaching during the pandemic, Dr. Yanjie...

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